• Bulbs - How To Save Energy

    3 Ways To Save Energy At Home

    How much was your latest energy bill? At the end of winter it’s entirely possible that your energy bill was alarming to read. This isn’t ever a good time for the bank balance but as well as the obvious cost to you there’s the hidden cost of what overconsumption is doing to the planet.  Being aware of how much energy you use at home and taking steps to reduce overall energy usage not only will save you money but it will also reduce the size of your carbon footprint. Small disclaimer! It’s worth mentioning that the concept of a carbon footprint was created by BP in order to put the responsibility for…

  • Eco-Friendly Hair Care

    How To Be More Eco-Friendly With Your Shampoo

    Is part of your 2021 New Years Resolutions to be more environmentally friendly with the products you buy? If yes, fantastic! This is a great goal to have for 2021. For this goal, you may have already thought about buying from sustainable clothing brands or cutting down on the amount of meat you purchase this year. These are great ways to be more eco-friendly but have you considered the benefits of going green with your shampoo?  Move away from plastic shampoo bottles It’s not something that everyone thinks about, but start thinking about how many bottles of shampoo you go through. This is a product that is often such a part of…

  • Lifestyle

    Plants To Save The Bees

    Bees are a quintessential part of UK life. They help to pollinate a lot of our crops, worth up to £600 million per year in the UK, and keep our wildflowers returning year after year. Unfortunately the plight of the bees is one that unless you’ve heard about it you could go years without knowing it’s an issue. Thanks to changes in agriculture, pesticide use and overly manicured gardens the number of bees and variety of bee species is decreasing. Some species of bees can now only be found in remote areas of the UK where they are safe from human interference. The sad reality is that unless we adjust how we…