About us

About Us - Be More Eco

The whole point is not to be perfect but to be more eco friendly.

Nobody can or should go from the typical consumer lifestyle to completely eco-friendly overnight.

That’s the fastest way to give up going eco friendly and writing off the problems we face as “problems for other people”.

Everything we do is about taking sustainable small steps towards going green and these are some of the ways we’ve found to do that.

From having an eco-friendly kitchen to choosing cruelty free beauty products, we’re trying it all with the aim of reducing our impact on the planet while not changing who we are.

Our mission is simple, to share what we’ve learnt. What’s achievable, what can you do right now and what we can learn and completely incorporate a few months down the line, and most importantly how to make those changes stick.

This is our place to talk about how a very average person can make changes that are easy and really count when it comes to living sustainably and responsibly.

Everything we say and do is because we want to be more eco and help improve our planet for the future.

Thanks for visiting!