• How to have an eco-friendly halloween

    How to have an eco-friendly Halloween

    With Halloween just around the corner, we have 5 tips on how you can have a sustainable and eco-friendly 31st October with very little waste. With most holidays, Halloween can often lead to a lot of waste and unnecessary purchases. Not only does this have a huge impact on your bank balance, it’s also bad for the environment and is contributing towards climate change. With pumpkins, costumes and decorations, there are a lot of ways we can be wasting money and damaging the environment when we’re enjoying the occasion. Here are our 5 top tips on how to have an eco-friendly halloween that won’t contribute towards climate change. Sustainable costumes Try not…

  • A chopped pumpkin sat in a field waiting for it to be collected and carved
    Lifestyle,  Home

    Six Ways To Use Your Pumpkin This October

    October is the month of the mighty pumpkin! From making delicious food to putting your pumpkin to use in the garden, there are more ways to use a pumpkin than you’d think. It’s estimated that 14.5 million pumpkins will go to waste this October in the UK alone! After carving, most pumpkins guts are thrown away along with their seeds. Whilst jack-o-lanterns have made pumpkins incredibly popular a horrifying amount of pumpkins go uneaten and unused every year. Tossing your pumpkin straight into the rubbish bin after 31st October leads to landfills producing more methane – a greenhouse gas even more dangerous than carbon dioxide. Not only this, but the resources used…

  • Lifestyle

    Have You Tried Your Local Market Yet?

    Nearly every town or village has one and they’re a staple of the community – but when was the last time you checked out what your local market had to offer? The COVID-19 pandemic certainly changed the way we, as consumers, shopped. Now, local markets are leading the way, not only to improve the economy, but to help tackle climate change and promote sustainable living. So, what are the benefits of shopping at your local market? It’s right on your doorstep 🚪 There’s a reason local markets have been around since the 11th century in England – they’re positioned in the heart of the community and for many people, a stone’s throw…

  • recycle e-waste

    How To Recycle Old Electronics

    How many old phones are in the drawers in your bedroom right now? Any old gadgets in the kitchen that you bought, most likely in the January sale, that are now collecting dust? No shame in any of this, we’re just as guilty. It’s unbelievably easy to accumulate electronics and technology from mobile phones to old kettles, our homes are full of electronics going to waste. The first thing to say is, don’t bin electronics!  Everything with a plug, battery or cable must be recycled separately from your general rubbish, most councils make this clear on their website.  To help declutter the wires from your home in the most eco-friendly way possible,…

  • Repurposed glass jars

    Spring cleaning? Here’s the eco-friendly way!

    The sun is out, and we feel the need to spring clean! Open all of the windows to let the fresh air in, enjoy the first flowers coming through and finally try to organise our lives. As with all home projects our first instinct was to consult our friends, family and of course the internet for advice on how to tackle the big cleaning project. Unfortunately, a lot of recommendations online seem to revolve around buying new organisational systems, throwing out or donating things you no longer need and covering everything in bleach. This led us to thinking there must be a way to get that fresh start feeling to spring without…

  • Eco Friendly Gardening

    Dig Into Gardening in 2022

    We don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the sunshine keeps making an appearance!  If you’re anything like us you’ll be absolutely itching to get out into the garden and enjoy the brighter weather. We love gardening! It brings colour into any space, gives you a tactile hobby that gets you away from a screen and gets you into the great outdoors. If this is the year that you’ve decided to discover your green thumb we’ve got some tips to help you make the most of your gardening, your time and of course how to get started in an eco-friendly way.  Plant what you’ll enjoy The first step is the “boring” one, the…