• Eco Friendly Summer Clothes

     How to Be a Conscious Shopper When Buying Summer Clothes 

    Summer’s nearly here, and with it comes the urge to refresh your wardrobe with breezy, stylish pieces. But before you dive head first into the latest trends, let’s talk about how you can make more conscious choices while shopping for summer clothes. While it might not be possible to do all of these, whether because of access or budget, adopting one or two of these can help reduce your impact. If everyone approached summer or holiday clothes shopping in this way, the collective impact of these changes would be huge. If you’re going to be shopping for the warmer weather or holidays abroad we urge you to give some of these eco-friendly…

  • Eco Friendly Spring Cleaning

    9 Eco-Friendly Spring Cleaning Tips

    Spring cleaning— whether you love it or hate it, the time for giving everything a clean and airing out the house comes around every year and 2024 is no exception. It can feel overwhelming but there are small things you can do each day to gradually work your way through your home and get everything clean ready for the warmer and brighter days. 1. Clean With Baking Soda Scrub Baking soda is a versatile and low-cost cleaning agent that can tackle tough grime without harsh chemicals. Make a simple baking soda paste by mixing it with water, and use it to scrub sinks, tubs, and tile grout. This natural abrasive will leave…

  • Eco Friendly Kitchen Habits

    7 Easy Steps to Create an Eco-Friendly Kitchen

    If you’re feeling a little guilty about your kitchen’s impact on the environment, you aren’t alone. The kitchen, with its constant stream of packaging, food waste, and energy consumption, can be a significant contributor to our ecological footprint. But fear not! With a few mindful changes, you can transform your kitchen into a zero-waste haven, doing your part to save the planet while creating a greener space for yourself. Here are some easy ways to make your kitchen more eco-friendly and sustainable. 1. Mindful Shopping The journey to a zero-waste kitchen begins at the shop. Embrace the mantra of “reduce, reuse, recycle” by opting for products with minimal packaging. Bring your own…

  • Lifestyle,  Christmas

    4 gift ideas to give to the planet this festive season

    With Christmas just around the corner, we have some last minute ideas of gifts you can give that are not only thoughtful, but are gifts for the environment. Christmas can put a lot of pressure on us to get the perfect gift for our loved ones. If you know someone that is taking action to be more eco-friendly and live a more sustainable life, we have just the thing for you. Donate to their favourite non-profit Possibly the simplest and easiest gift to give. There are so many good causes out there that are working hard to halt and even reverse the devastating impacts climate change is having on our environment. Before…

  • Eco Friendly Gift Giving

    5 sustainable gift wrapping ideas

    At this time of year, many of us will be buying presents for our loved ones. But with lots of presents, comes lots of gift wrapping and lots of waste. Having a unique and beautifully wrapped Christmas gift is important to many, but being eco-friendly and sustainable is just as important to us. On top of this, many types of wrapping paper can’t be recycled, or end up in your recycling bin anyway. This can sometimes mean that the rest of your paper and cardboard waste can’t be recycled properly as the waste is contaminated with non-recyclable materials. But gift wrapping can be eco-friendly. If, like us, you’d like to be more…

  • Composting in 4 Easy Steps

    How to start composting in 4 easy steps

    Food waste is one of the biggest contributors to climate change in the UK. In fact, the UK throws away around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste in a single year, according to Business Waste. When we throw food waste in the bin, it ends up in landfill and emits methane, a greenhouse gas which is detrimental to the environment. Some areas offer a food waste recycling service, but not everywhere. This means that millions of tonnes of food is going to waste and are harming the environment. Composting is a great way of reducing food waste and it’s really easy to get started! Here are 4 steps to help you create…