
5 Easy Tips to Host An Eco-Friendly Picnic

As the warm weather finally arrives in the UK, everyone is thinking about the ways they can relax outside and enjoy it. The most common thought: picnics.

There’s nothing quite like enjoying a meal in the great outdoors, surrounded by nature and good company. But as we become more aware of our environmental impact, we start to notice the potential downsides of a picnic. All the plastic and packaging, rubbish left behind and more, but it’s easy to change this.

Hosting a green picnic doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive; in fact, it can be as simple as making a few mindful choices.

Here are five easy tips to help you host an eco-friendly picnic that’s gentle on the planet but still helps you enjoy summer.

1. Don’t Buy New Picnic Gear

One of the easiest ways to host an eco-friendly picnic is to avoid buying new items that you don’t need.

Instead of purchasing disposable or even brand-new picnic gear, consider using what you already have at home. Look around your kitchen for reusable plates, cups, and cutlery that can be easily transported to your picnic spot. The cutlery you have is already perfect for use outside, but maybe save any fine china or delicate plates for another day.

If you’re short on supplies, check out local charity shops for some finds like cups and plates. Not only does this approach reduce waste, but it also adds a unique touch to your picnic setup.

For seating, use existing blankets or towels rather than buying new ones; an old blanket or quilt can be perfect for lounging on the grass. If you don’t have a blanket, ask your friends and family. Chances are one of them will have a perfectly good blanket you can use. Because they don’t get used all the time, thanks to British weather, they last for years and don’t need to be replaced often.

2. Choose an Accessible Location

When planning your picnic, consider selecting a location that’s easily accessible by public transport or within cycling distance.

This not only reduces your carbon footprint but also adds to the fun of the day. Imagine a leisurely bike ride to a scenic park, or a relaxed bus journey with friends, both of which are more sustainable options than driving.
Many beautiful parks and nature reserves in the UK are well-serviced by public transport, making it easy to choose a green travel option.

3. Opt for Local Foods and Less Meat

The food you bring can also play a big part in making your picnic eco-friendly.

Focus on sourcing local produce, which not only supports local farmers but also reduces the carbon emissions associated with transporting food long distances.

Local markets are a great place to find fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables. When planning your menu, try to reduce the amount of meat, as meat production has a significantly higher environmental impact compared to plant-based foods.

Instead, opt for delicious vegetarian options like salads, wraps, and vegetable dips. Not only are these options often healthier, but they can also be just as satisfying and tasty.

4. Avoid Single-Use Plastics

One of the most impactful changes you can make for an eco-friendly picnic is to avoid single-use plastics.

Items like cling film, plastic cutlery, and disposable plates massively contribute to environmental pollution. Unfortunately it’s a common sight to see on beaches and parks all throughout summer.

Pack your food in reusable containers and jars. Beeswax wraps are a fantastic alternative for wrapping sandwiches and snacks; they are reusable, washable, and can keep your food fresh. If you do need to use disposable items, consider biodegradable or compostable options.

5. Leave No Trace

Perhaps the most important principle of an eco-friendly picnic is to leave no trace you were there.

Make sure to pack out all your rubbish and recycle it properly when you get home. Bring along reusable bags or containers to collect any waste, and avoid using items that can’t be reused or recycled, like disposable BBQs.
Being mindful of the environment not only helps preserve the natural beauty of your picnic spot but also ensures that others can enjoy it too.

By using what you already have, recycling what you can and being mindful of your impact, you can have a great picnic that’s both eco-friendly and the event of the summer.